Tuesday, June 2, 2009

MAC SkinSheen

One of the best re-promotes I'm happy to report is MAC Skinsheen. Out now with the Style Warrior collection, I hoarded my stash from last year since it was LE . I am thrilled I can stockpile more.

Skinsheen is a bronzing spray mousse basically. Although it's not totally a mousse, thats close enough. What it does , however, is give you the best tan ever. I mean the kind of tan the woman in the Bain de Soleil ads had. No matter how naturally tan I ever got( not much ) or even my favorite self tanners have given me the look of Skinsheen.

It's not permanent and not a self tanner, meaning it washes off and needs to be washed off before bed. I didn't get any transfer with it, even in the heat. It holds up really well. When you wash it off, you have to rub. You will have day/night long uber-glow.

I use Medium Dark and I am pretty pale. It makes me several shades darker, which I love.

Also comes in Dark and Deep Dark
Retail is $ 22.50


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